NJ Internal Organ Damage Attorneys Work to Recover Compensation

Assertively representing accident victims who sustain life-altering injuries

Internal organ damage is among the most severe and potentially life-threatening injuries. In addition, these injuries may not be immediately apparent, which means they can worsen if they go undetected. When someone’s negligent act or omission causes an accident or other harmful event, the person injured deserves to be compensated for their medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering and any long-term disability. However, internal organ damage presents special challenges for determining its full extent and lasting effect. At Seigel Law in Ridgewood, our personal injury lawyers have more than 45 years of experience helping New Jersey victims of accidents and medical malpractice obtain compensation to help them cope with life-altering injuries. We are ready to fight for you.

How trauma impacts organ function

Intense physical trauma, especially from auto accidents, can damage vital internal organs. Blunt force, penetration from a foreign object or intense shaking can inflict harm on various organs, with disastrous health consequences. Among the organs that can suffer damage are these:

  • Liver — The largest internal organ in the human body is designed to remove impurities from the blood and aid in digestion. When the liver is damaged, the skin and eyes appear yellowish, which indicates jaundice. Victims may experience abdominal pain and swelling, swelling in the legs and ankles, itchy skin, dark urine and pale stool. Even a mild injury to the liver can produce chronic fatigue. Severe injury might be fatal.
  • Spleen — Although not necessary for survival, the spleen is important for overall health, since it produces special white blood cells that destroy bacteria. It also produces red blood cells and helps remove old ones from circulation. Without a healthy spleen, you can become anemic and more vulnerable to infection.
  • Kidneys — The kidneys purify the blood and provide energy to the body. Kidney damage can cause chronic fatigue, susceptibility to infection and premature death.
  • Pancreas — Human beings cannot live without a functioning pancreas, which regulates blood sugar and aids in digestion. Damage to the pancreas can be intensely disabling.
  • Digestive organs — The digestive tract includes the stomach, intestines, colon and bladder. Damage can often be surgically repaired, but the patient could still suffer from digestive problems. In some cases, the patient becomes incontinent, which requires ongoing personal care. Some digestive damage requires use of an appliance to evacuate waste or urine.

Internal organ damage can be considered a catastrophic injury because it changes the victim’s life, putting limitations on activities and requiring daily maintenance.

Signs of internal abdominal injury

If you have been in an auto accident or have suffered some other type of trauma, the following symptoms would strongly indicate you have sustained internal organ injury:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Tenderness over the injured area
  • Rigid abdomen
  • Left arm and shoulder pain
  • Right-sided abdominal pain and right shoulder pain
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cold, sweaty skin

You should immediately seek medical diagnosis and treatment. When you have taken care of your health needs, you should contact a personal injury attorney to learn about your rights to compensation.

Contact an experienced Ridgewood lawyer about your internal organ injury

Seigel Law in Ridgewood, New Jersey fights to recover compensation for accident victims who sustain organ damage. To schedule a free consultation, call {PHONE) or contact us online